Cancellation Policy

  • FREE Cancellation within 24hrs of your Reservation.
  • A DEPOSIT of 25% is payable with your booking.
  • The BALANCE of 75% is payable up to 56 days (8 weeks) before your Arrival.
  • After receipt of your Deposit, and prior to the 56 days period when your Balance is due, if you cancel your Reservation then your Deposit of 25% is LOST, subject to the following:

You have the Option to RESCHEDULE a new Booking with us within 12 months of the date of your initial booking, upon when we will deduct a FEE of 12% + VAT of your first reservation’s TOTAL rental cost to cover admin costs and processing & handling fees, and we will credit the Balance towards the Deposit of your NEW RESERVATION with KFV. For this new reservation, the same policies herein apply.

  • IF you CANCEL within 56 days prior to your arrival date, the full cost of your rental will be lost.
  • For a NO SHOW where guests have paid but do not show for their booking, the Total Amount of the reservation is lost.
  • The above POLICY also applies for COVID-19 related Cancellations.

The Cancellation Policy may vary from time to time.

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